5 Reasons You Should be Grateful for the Coronavirus

Do you feel like we’re living inside of a science fiction novel? Every day there is more bad news, and let’s face it, our society loves bad news. We seem to thrive on drama, even though it’s toxic to our minds and bodies. You are not alone if you feel like this might be the beginning of the end of the world, but it’s not. This too will pass. We’ve faced hard times before, and we will again. It’s part of the cycles of life. But believe it or not, there are many reasons you should be grateful for the Coronavirus.

Baby Boom

I predict we’re going to see an unprecedented baby boom in about nine months, and who doesn’t love babies? Remember the baby boom after the end of WWII? Yep, it should be something like that. Millions, maybe billions of people around the world, are currently socially isolated, many with their partners and spouses. Why not make the most of your time together? Try some new moves. Get your groove on!

Renewed Interest in Health & Wellness

Let’s face it, nothing in life matters as much as our health. Possessions and money are useless if you’re not around to enjoy them. The strong survive. People that have weak immune systems due to lifestyle choices like smoking, poor diet, and lack of exercise will have more time over the next month or so to think about their choices. Personal health really boils down to choices, and I predict a lot more interest in being healthy in our global future.

Gratitude for Friends, Family, and the Ability to Socialize

I can’t be the only one already missing the hugs of friends, the smiles of my yoga students, group laughter, and social energy. We’ve become socially lazy, spending too much time on our butts, binge-watching our favorite shows on Netflix or Disney Plus. We took all those social invitations for granted and made up excuses for not attending. I bet you’re already looking forward to hearing Uncle Frank’s annoying war stories in person again or chatting with your nosy neighbor at the coffee house on the corner that now has a “CLOSED” sign in the window.

Mother Nature is Getting a Much Needed Break

All of our constant travel, commuting, and, over consumerism is tough on our planet. We’ve been increasing our carbon footprint for decades at the speed of a virus spreading across the Earth. Hmmmm. Just think about the improvements in air quality that are bound to happen while people shelter in place. Think of the reduced garbage, reduced electrical usage, and other resources we often waste but now can’t. Here’s to Mother Nature finally getting a much-needed break!

Improved Solidarity

Before the Coronavirus, our nation was internally at war. Blue versus Red, Democrats versus Republicans. Just like we came together after the 9/11 attacks, we’re coming together now. Suddenly politics are taking a back seat, even during an election year! Our focus is now on getting through this pandemic and taking care of each other best that we can. All the past family arguments over politics and religion don’t seem near as important while people are struggling for life itself. Random acts of kindness are popping up all over the place. Together we stand, divided we fall.

It’s easy to feel anger and fear over the Coronavirus events from the past few weeks. Incomes are plummeting, debts are piling up, and we still don’t have an end in sight. But it will pass. We will overcome, and good will come from all this. You can’t control the situation, only your reaction to it. So, try to keep a positive mental attitude and know that everything is going to be alright. In fact, some things may even be better. When you’re feeling down, remember that there are some reasons to be grateful for the Coronavirus.
