So Much Love
Doggie kisses at 2018 Seattle Pride
Everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, should go to at least one Pride Festival. There’s a remarkable energy in the air that you’ll never forget. This was my third Pride celebration, and it moves me to tears every time. Imagine what it feels like to always feel like an outsider, never accepted by society. I’ve lived in a foreign country, I know that feeling, and it sucks. Now imagine what it feels like to be accepted by thousands of strangers. That is why I love Pride!
You will never see so many hugs, joyful tears, laughter, and genuine acts of love than you will at a Pride event. The LBGTQ community and their supporters are all about love, and it’s truly infectious. I can still feel the buzz!
Support Diversity
T-Mobile shows its Pride
There are so many reasons why we should all support and encourage diversity. It prevents bullying. It promotes peace, and it’s as good for business as it is for the heart. I was thrilled to see so many mainstream corporate sponsors. Thank you to Delta Airlines, Facebook, Amazon, Uber, T-Mobile, and all the other corporations that marched in the parade and showed their support for their LBGTQ employees, partners, and customers.
The Best Entertainment
The beer garden at PrideFest
Thousands of people from all around the world flocked to Seattle to enjoy the 2018 Pride Festival Entertainment. From famous DJ’s mixing up tunes under the bright lights of the dance floors to flamboyant drag shows, the colorful Pride Parade, or the live music of PrideFest on Capitol Hill, it was nothing but nonstop entertainment by some of the best entertainers and performers on the globe.
People Watching
Even snakes can enjoy Pride
I’m an expert people watcher. It’s one of my favorite pastimes, and Pride is the best place to people watch. Freak flags are flying proudly, and you can plan on seeing everything from body paint and pasties over nips, to latex bodysuits, pirate costumes, dogs dressed up in fancy attire, and rainbows galore. I saw a cute little pig on a leash, a guy walking around holding a giant snake, jugglers, clowns, and people on stilts. I clicked so many pictures I killed my phone battery before the parade was even over!
I’m Proud
Aside from the fun and entertainment at the 2018 Seattle Pride Festival, I’m proud to be part of the LBGTQ community. I’m proud of the people that fight for our rights, stand up for justice, equality, and love. I’m proud of the people that dare to be their authentic selves even in the most horrible circumstances. Yes, one of those LBGTQ letters applies to me, but you’ll just have to guess which one. It really doesn’t matter anyway. All that matters is love.