Do We Really Need to Stay Home to Stay Safe?


When I was on my motorcycle trip a few weeks ago, I kept seeing a flashing neon road sign with the message, “Stay Home. Stay Safe. Limit Travel,” and it got me thinking. Do we really need to stay home to stay safe? If I wear a mask, practice social distancing, and use hand sanitizer after being in public, what’s the difference if I go to the grocery store or get gas in my hometown or 600 miles away? If I’m camping, or even staying in an Airbnb where they thoroughly disinfect everything when I leave, how does that increase the risk of COVID infection to others?

Me and my motorcycle outside of White Pass, Washington. Photo credit Shanna Gillette.

The Dangers of Isolation

For months Americans, and most of the world for that matter, have been on lockdown, stuck in their homes, completely isolated. Depression, anxiety, domestic violence, and suicide are on the rise. Our government even had the audacity to close nature venues, like State and National Parks “for our protection.” Fish and Wildlife shut down fishing. No more clam digging, salmon fishing, or hiking. We were told to stay home and stay safe. For me, nature is my temple. I will not jeopardize my emotional and spiritual health at the cost of my physical health. I NEED to hike, kayak, and camp to feel healthy of mind, body, and spirit, and I know I’m not alone on this issue.

The hiking trail to Jeremiah Johnson Hot Springs in Idaho.

Experiences Versus Stuff

I’m one of those people that choose to spend my time and money on life experiences (like travel, festivals, and concerts) versus consumer goods. I’ll spend $1,000 on a trip to Mexico instead of a large screen TV any day! Unfortunately, people like me can’t enjoy these types of experiences right now due to COVID. Everything has been canceled. No more summer concerts or county fairs. Even Burning Man is going virtual for 2020! It’s understandable because we’re in the middle of a pandemic, but it leaves people like me feeling depressed and ready to pull their own hair out, or worse!

Yoga has helped keep me sane during the lockdown.

Get Out of The House!

It is possible to stay safe without staying home. In fact, getting out of the house will make you feel better! It will also help strengthen your immunity. Grounding (the act of physically engaging with nature) is proven to improve health. A nice long hike along Willapa Bay or kayaking on Loomis Lake are safe activities. If I encounter another person on the trail, we can usually step aside and still stay 6 feet apart. My kayak is single. I don’t need to be near another person to enjoy it. The same goes for jogging, biking, and many other outdoor activities.

The Sawtooth National Recreational Are in Idaho

Road Trippin’

It was obvious during my motorcycle trip that I’m not the only American road trippin’ right now. Since it’s our only option for travel, that’s what many Americans are doing. But is it safe? Is that why COVID is spreading at an alarming rate? COVID is spreading mostly in tight crowded places, like meatpacking plants, churches, funerals, family reunions, and bars. It’s not spreading in campgrounds, on hiking trails, and canoes.

Is it legal to Travel Right Now?

Maybe you’re wondering if it is legal to travel right now and where you can travel to. I don’t know. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. It depends where you live. However, there was a time in this country when slavery was legal, and women voting and gays getting married was illegal. Just because something is illegal doesn’t mean it’s wrong just as because something is legal it doesn’t make it right. I do know that I have the unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I intend to exercise those rights, legal or not.

We still have rights.

For the first time in my adult life, I’m not working and not even expected to look for work (although I’m still applying for writing jobs). The past two summers I spent teaching a dozen yoga classes a week and preparing for my festival and retreats. I worked my ass off! This summer I’m free, and I intend to travel throughout the U.S. I plan to explore the Redwoods, Joshua Tree, Lake Havasu, and many other natural wonders. I intend to avoid crowds, avoid COVID, be safe, and have fun!