[vc_row type=”vc_default” el_class=”hm-head”][vc_column][vc_column_text]Beth is also an experienced freelance writer, polished public speaker and she just completed her second novel. This is the link to her writing portfolio: https://littlemswritinggood.
A list of just some of her specialties:
Blogging for others (She is a regular contributor on Expat.co)
Ghost writing
Magazine articles
Business writing, including business plans, marketing materials and operations manuals
Content writing
Copy writing
E-mail campaigns
Persuasive writing/Call to action
Writing topics:
Travel, relationships, feminism, personal growth, life lessons, real estate, business, e-commerce, startups, leadership and entrepreneurship
Speech topics:
How to Create the Life You Want to Live
How to Stop Living for Others Without Becoming a Selfish Bitch
How to Find Your Passion and Make a Living from it
What Living in India Taught Me About Myself and The World
Leading Others in a World of Change and Uncertainty
Learning to Let Go
Beth is in the process of querying agents to get her novels published.
Synopsis of Dark Legacy:
Born into the home of an abusive fundamentalist preacher, Mary is traumatized by childhood sexual abuse at the hands of her father. As a result, her teenage years were wildly rebellious, rampant with drug use, theft and sexual promiscuity. In her twenties she surprises herself by settling into the role of a wife, mother and entrepreneur and for the first time in her life feels “normal.” An unforeseen financial crisis in the family business, along with the tragic deaths of her young nephews and a shocking family revelation, put an abrupt end to her normalcy and plunges her back into the darkness. Inevitably her out-of-control behavior tests her marriage over and over until finally, in one reckless night of extreme debauchery, she destroys it forever.
Over time, she manages to wrestle her way back to the light by questioning everything in an effort to find truth, peace and authenticity. It is only after the crushing blow of her second divorce that she begins to understand that she has made herself a prisoner of social norms and family expectations, and ultimately begins a difficult journey of self-discovery through intense sexual exploration and professional counseling. Eventually she is able to replace low self-esteem and self-destruction with courage and self-acceptance. Stepping boldly out of the prison of her past, she claims her right to happiness, finding love and success in unexpected places with unexpected people.
Synopsis of Ganges Eyes:
Mary has spent the last several years recovering from a horrible divorce and bankruptcy during the great recession. Then, she receives the job offer of a lifetime, managing a multi-million-dollar IT project in India for her older brother’s company and past employer. She realizes that it’s a rare opportunity to replenish her depleted savings, travel the world and advance her career. She unexplainably feels a mysterious calling to India, so she throws caution to the wind and off she goes to start her new life.
Unfortunately, the project is riddled with problems from the beginning and Mary is faced with a number of issues; loneliness, severe cultural differences, corporate espionage and inter personal problems with her brother. Somehow, in the midst of it all, she finds herself falling in love with an Indian man the same age as her son and full of surprises. On one hand he shares her enthusiasm for all things kinky, but on the other hand he wants to be monogamous.
Will Mary once again rise from the ashes of her shattered life, or will this be the end of a promising new career, her relationship with her brother and just another in a series of self-destructive cougar-cub relationships? Set in the Himalaya Mountains of Rishikesh, the chaos of New Delhi and quaint hill station of Kasol, Mary finds her life changing in every way possible. It’s only when she finally finds the courage to really let go that her new path is clearly revealed.
Ganges Eyes is the second book of a trilogy. It is a contemporary women’s fiction, based on the true story of the author, and is about 110,000 words. It is an entertaining mix of Eat, Pray Love and Fifty Shades of Grey.
If you would like to hire Beth or discuss the possibility of partnering with her, please send her an email to LittleMsWritingGood@gmail.com[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row]