I realize I’m guilty of bitching about things over here so it’s high time I share some more things with you that I appreciate about India. There are many special things that I like about India, and here are my top seven.
I know it’s corny, but I love my boyfriend, Kirti, very much. I never expected to find love in India. The best I hoped for was maybe a companion and a little fun. But four months into our relationship we are very much in love, in spite of significant cultural differences. He is adventurous, funny, smart, and compassionate. Kirti has made a huge difference in my life and has made my adjustment to life in India much easier. I am thankful for him every day! I guess you never know when and where love might strike, so keep an open mind.
Road trips
There are so many cool places to visit over here! From mountains to beaches to ancient forts and spectacular temples, it is all incredible!! Plus it is very close to so many other countries that there are endless possibilities for vacations and it’s hard to narrow it down. Soon I hope to visit Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand, maybe even Africa.
Cheap coffee and delicious Chai tea
A large cappuccino cost about $1.50 and the Chai tea is absolutely dreamy. Most professional offices have coffee/tea machines and it’s all tasty and free for employees. We bought one of the machines for our new office and the employees are thrilled.
Tasty food
It doesn’t matter what it is, it’s all amazing, but spicy as hell! I like spicy food but Indians take it to a whole new level. Dosa, garlic naan, tally and butter chicken are my favorites. Naan is an Indian flat bread they eat with lunch or dinner. I like it better than chapatti or paratha. Indians eat with their fingers and use flatbread as a sort of scoop for the rest of their food, so I always feel a little silly using utensils around them.
Inexpensive clothes
The textiles in India are colorful and cheap. I’m going to need a shipping container to bring everything home! From bedding to saris to handbags, they are all beautiful and well made.
Indian women outside the Lotus Temple
Celebrity lifestyle
I live, and often feel, like a celebrity over here. You can live like a queen for only a few thousand a month or less. Domestic help is cheap. I have a maid, driver and personal assistant, and they are all wonderful! When I walk past security, or into my office, men stand and nod in respect.Foreigners are given preferential treatment everywhere, like it or not. Frequently, people want to talk to me and get selfies with me. It’s all very overwhelming at times!!!
Interesting sights
There is always something interesting to observe in India. I never get tired of seeing all the wild cows, pigs and dogs. Outside the city I see camels, elephants and monkeys. They call it incredible India for good reason. The roadways are a source of constant entertainment and there is never a dull moment! It is stimulus overload.