When I tell people I’m leaving for a 2,500-mile solo motorcycle ride in the middle of a pandemic, I get a host of responses. Some people say I’m brave, and others think I’m crazy. I’ve never been one to care much about what other people think, but I want to share my story in the event it might inspire others. So, tomorrow I leave to visit three National Parks, travel through 5 states, and check out about eight hot springs. But the real reason for the trip is that I’m on a quest to find truth, regain my personal power, feel freedom, and experience adventure again.
How COVID Has Affected Me
In February, I made an offer on a commercial building in the town I live in on the Washington Coast. I was so excited about opening Jiva Yoga and Mindfulness Center! It was to be a place of holistic healing for my community. It was something I had dreamed about since I first started teaching yoga classes in community buildings in the area just a couple of years ago. I was to close on the new building on May 1st, and the grand opening was scheduled for May 15th. Then, COVID hit, and everything started to spiral downward.
No More Yoga Teaching

First, my Homeowners Association contacted me to let me know they were closing due to COVID. I wouldn’t be able to teach yoga in the community room. It was devastating news, but at least I could still teach yoga at the library, or so I thought. The next week they called me with the same story. Fortunately, I’m also a freelance content writer and had five clients that sent me regular assignments. One by one, they started to pull back on my writing assignments.
The Demise of My Business
Without warning, I suddenly found myself amid a pandemic with no income. The thought of opening a brick and mortar location with no one able or willing to attend yoga, and a looming recession, was just too overwhelming. So, I canceled the sale and lost thousands of dollars, but I figured it was better to lose a little now than to have a failed business and lose even more in the future. I also had to cancel a yoga retreat and my annual Yoga Festival. In all, I returned over $25,000 to students, investors, and registered guests.
I Tried to Get Help

I began applying for all the stimulus grants and loans I heard about, but because I didn’t have any employees and had not yet physically opened, I didn’t qualify for anything. Feeling disheartened, I applied for unemployment. It’s been 13 weeks, and I’m still waiting, and waiting, and waiting. Last week, I finally saw a notification through my mobile banking app that I had received a deposit from Washington State Employment Security! With great anticipation, I logged into my checking account to find I had received a deposit of $114, nowhere near my weekly claim amount! I spent hours on hold to finally get ahold of someone who told me she had no idea what happened and that I needed to talk to a tier 3 specialist, but they aren’t available until after July 7th. Perfect!
My Life is Falling Apart
Meanwhile, I sit at home and apply for dozens of writing jobs while trying to reassure my yoga students, who are mostly seniors and stuck at home, feeling fearful and alone. Cases across the United States are skyrocketing, or are they? I read stories about false negatives, manipulated data, hidden agendas, corporate greed, and worse. I can’t teach my yoga classes or check out a library book, but liquor stores are deemed essential. I can’t talk to anyone physically at the Unemployment office or go into my bank, but Walmart is open. None of this makes any sense!
I know I’m not alone when I tell you I feel lost. Years of hard work and momentum to build my yoga business is gone. I have no idea if and when my students will feel safe and comfortable enough to return to group classes. Yes, I know I can teach online, but it’s not my favorite. I crave the energy of a physical class and am tired of always staring at a screen. I want to see their smiles, help them with adjustments, and feel the love.
Our Nation is Crumbling

Watching all the bickering, hatred, fear, and anger dividing this country is emotionally and physically draining. I feel like we may be headed for a civil war if things don’t turn around quickly. We could be one major event away from the total collapse of our nation. I simply can’t be part of it any longer. I’m an empath, and it affects me deeply if I let it. I don’t know what to believe anymore, who to believe, or what to do. My career is mostly gone, and my meager saving account is dwindling.
What I need is motorcycle therapy! I need to explore nature, make new friends, and feel FREE! I’m not an animal to be caged. I may be risking my life, but that is my choice to make!! I’ll be careful. I’ll wear a mask when I need to, and I’ve packed lots of hand sanitizer.
The road is calling me, and I must answer. Maybe I’ll find a new path or have an aha moment. Perhaps I’ll meet the love of my life. Maybe I’ll get COVID. I’m not afraid of it. What scares me most is the path that this nation is on. It’s like a motorcycle going full speed heading for a cliff. I’m going to stay safe on my own motorcycle and enjoy my own journey. I’m going to find answers and heal myself.